Ring of Honor
[Folklorists are accustomed to the idea that supernatural legend – and even contemporary paranormal experience –surrounds the ancient monuments of Europe. Stonehenge. Silbury Hill. Carnac. The Rollrights. So common is it […]
[Folklorists are accustomed to the idea that supernatural legend – and even contemporary paranormal experience –surrounds the ancient monuments of Europe. Stonehenge. Silbury Hill. Carnac. The Rollrights. So common is it […]
When I’m anywhere near a major sacred site, a “place of ancient sanctity” in the words of John Michell, I try to get into it by myself with a journal […]
I don’t believe in ghosts, although I’ve seen my share.Sean Connery as Allan Quatermain in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen One of the unforgettable memories of my teaching career is of […]
[Supernatural folklore and ancient monuments go hand in hand in Europe. In the Americas, the connection is not so well known.] When the first historic European cultures, the Celts, moved […]
An enormous supernatural tradition has built up around the ancient earthworks. In England, they say Merlin built Stonehenge with his spells. A formation of standing stones – Long Meg and […]
When I’m anywhere near a major sacred site, a “place of ancient sanctity” in the words of John Michell, I try to get into it by myself with a journal […]