[The fairy lore of the British Isles may be the liveliest such tradition recorded. Some of its numberless, colorful supernatural beings are portrayed as solitary. Others live in communities, even […]
[The fairy lore of the British Isles may be the liveliest such tradition recorded. Some of its numberless, colorful supernatural beings are portrayed as solitary. Others live in communities, even […]
For Sir Thomas Sean Connery (August 25, 1930-October 31, 2020) Every age needs its signature hero. It’s often hard to say who invents the style. It’s not always the […]
I was going through some old files recently and came across a report about The Roycroft Inn in East Aurora that I have never published. An example of a type […]
[Folklorists are accustomed to the idea that supernatural legend – and even contemporary paranormal experience –surrounds the ancient monuments of Europe. Stonehenge. Silbury Hill. Carnac. The Rollrights. So common is it […]
I don’t believe in ghosts, although I’ve seen my share.Sean Connery as Allan Quatermain in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen One of the unforgettable memories of my teaching career is of […]
[To the Celtic peoples of Europe a “dust devil” – a moving mini-cyclone of dirt and detritus – announced the passage of an invisible supernatural being, usually one of […]
The recent passing of Lughnasadh (July 31/August 1) has set a couple of reflections into me. Most of you are probably wondering, though, what Lughnasadh may be. The Celtic holiday […]
The Iroquois nations of upstate New York have as developed a tradition of Little People – “the Djogao,” the “Jungies,” the fairies – as any folk on earth. The wee […]
[The idea that any person or family could be cursed by a single month is one thing. The chance that there could be any validity to it is another. From […]
The title of this quick end-of-the-year article is inspired by Guy Lyon Playfair’s 1980 book on the shocking two-year episode of the Enfield poltergeist (North London, UK), which Playfair investigated […]